Friday 30 September 2011

1st October 2011 Today's Words

For the 200 words I want to learn this month, I need to learn about 7 words per day. Today's words are these.

klaarready, clear, evidenceIt does not mean clear in the sense of see through. That is helder.
overstromingfloodover=over, stroming=flow
dikwijlsfrequentdik=thick or dense, wijls=while, so dikiwijls is dense happening
nog eensagain, once morenog=more eens=once.

There are still some words which I keep forgetting of the 500 I learnt in September, so I'm going to learn fewer words this month so I have more time for repetition.

Thursday 29 September 2011

End of the Month and Plans

I'm not going to learn any new words tomorrow, but use the last day of the month to review the words I've already learnt. I do keep forgetting words and muddling them up so I think it's time to take stock again.

I'm pleased with my progress this month, hitting the 500 word mark for the month. I think I will restrict myself to about 200 for October as I have to maintain those 500 words, and I also have 3 computing courses that I'm doing until the middle of December so I'm going to be quite busy.

By the end of the year, I hope to have completed the 1000 most common words list. I'm going to have to think about how I want to continue in the New Year. Will it be focusing on grammar and sentence construction, or learning more words? I might set up my own word lists on memrise to test tenses and irregular verbs.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

29th September 2011 Today's Words

de luchtthe air, heaven (as in sky), fragranceFor the religious version of heaven, it's de hemel. (Hemel can be used for the heavens as well.)
de rupscaterpillarAs butterfly showed up last time, and not caterpillar, here's chrysalis to complete the sequence: de pop
fietsbicycleEarlier, there was fietspad.
de diamantslijperthe diamond cutter
produktproductProduct includes the answer to a multiplication.
het is goedit's alright
ik gaI go
de gieterthe watering can
ik brengI bring
de eigenaarthe ownerEigen is own.

28th September 2011 Today's Words 2

A second set of words for today.
de ventilatorthe fan
bloedverwantrelativeVerwant means related to, and bloed is blood. 
de vlinderthe butterfly
ik hoorI hear
eerlijksincereEer means honour

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Vocabulary - Some and Every

I'm getting quite confused with the some- and every- words so I'm going to summarise them here. I thought I might as well include the no- words as well.

sommig(e), watsomeieder(e)everygeennone
iemandsomeoneiedereeneveryoneniemandno one

Note that the no- words, apart from none and never, are just the some- words with an n in front.

Some more words to add to this collection are

alleen - only, alone
al - all
anders - other


The English word some is used to express different meanings such as certain, a few or any. There are several words in Dutch which can be used for some. They are sommige, wat, een paar, enkele and enige. I'm just going to look at sommige, wat  and een paar for the moment.

Sommige is used when some is meant in the sense of certain. (Sommig in front of het words, sommige in front of de words and plurals.)
  • Sommige winkels verkoopt brood. - Some (certain) shops sell bread.
  • De winkel verkoopt cakes. Sommige smaken lekker! - The shop sells cakes. Some (of them) taste delicious!
  • Hij leest sommige boeken. - He reads some (certain) books.
  • Sommige dingen veranderen nooit. - Some things never change.
  • Voor sommig werk moet je handig zijn. - For certain jobs, you must be handy.


Wat and een paar are used when some means a few. Wat can always be used, whereas een paar can only be used before plural nouns. Note that wat also means what, and een paar literally means a pair.
  • Hij leest wat boeken. - He reads some books.
  • Hij leest en paar boeken. - He reads some (a few) books.
  • Hij at wat rijst. - He ate some rice. (Present tense: eet. Past: at) Een paar can not be used here.

28th September 2011 Today's Words

de rivierthe river, stream
meerlakeThis also means more.
de plantthe plant
bordplateBord occurred earlier in nummerbord which is numberplate.
bijnearBij also means bee.
de chaffeurthe driver
kussento kissKussen also means pillow.
paardhorseYesterday, I mentioned paard when paired with tuig giving paardetuig which means a horse's harness.
rechtsright (directions)Recht means straight, as in straight line, but to give directions to say straight on, it's rechtdoor.

27th September 2011 Today's Words

I've caught up to where I was with the other account, with just one more error. I wrote slek instead of slak for snail.

The words I've learnt today are these.

vliegtuigaeroplaneTuig on its own means harness, or mob, although that can't be the meaning here. A flying mob? Scary!

It's also used in vaartuig, where vaar is from varen which is to move on water.

A harness for a horse is paardetuig, where paard is horse.
de wormthe worm, kid, tot
baanjobIk heb een baan. I have a job. This is paid work rather than just a job that needs to be done around the house.

Ik ga naar werk. I go to work.
de pijnthe pain, sorrow
het tandvleesthe gumTand is tooth, vlees is meat so this is literally the tooth meat. As with pork, which is literally pig meat (varkensvlees), the is het since it is het vlees and the article must agree with the last part of the noun.
foutfaultDe fout also means the mistake.
dekbedduvetThe word for blanket is deken. Although, the spelling is similar, in dekbed it's a short e and in deken a long. The verb to cover is dekken.
vrijfreeVrij occurred earlier where it was translated as vacant.
de bootthe boat, ship, craft
de broerthe friar, brotherThe plural, broers is in the Longman wordlist.
gidsguideIt means both a person who is a guide, and a TV guide. It can be used for a guidebook. Although it can be used for a manual, handleiding is more common.
tezamentogetherThe wordlist says te zamen but it's actually one word. It's not a particularly common word.

Writing this page has certainly helped me remember them, as has talking them over with a friend. I made one mistake when I went through the harvest stage which was to spell suiker with a z instead of an s.

Monday 26 September 2011

26th - 27th September 2011 Today's Mistakes

I've now harvested 323 words in Dutch: The thousand most common words in Dutch. These are the mistakes I made excluding typos where I hadn't typed what I thought I had.

EnglishCorrect DutchWhat I putComments
the porkhet varkensvleesde varkensvleesliterally: pig meat
to leaveverlatenverlorenverloren is lost
the mistakede fouthet fout
human beingmenselijk wezenmensilijk wezen
suddenlyplotselingspoedigspoedig is soon

I'm pretty sure I'm muddling up menigte, volwassene and menselijk wezen.

I've got 61 words to harvest to catch up with where I was on the other account. They aren't ready for harvesting yet so tomorrow it will be.

Vocabulary - Leave

In the word lists, there are two words given for 'leave'. The first is verlaten which means to leave. It  can mean leave in the physical sense of leaving one place for another, or in the sense of abandoning someone or something. It requires leaving something or someone.

The second word, vertrekken, can be used when you are leaving to go somewhere else, but when you are not mentioning where you are leaving.This can not be used in the sense of abandoning someone or something, although it can be used for the break up of a relationship, but perhaps not so commonly. It's more towards depart than just leave, and is also used for take off.

Verlaten is something you do to a place (or person). Vertrekken is something you do.


  • De vrouw verlaat de kamer. - The woman leaves the bedroom.
  • De man vertrekt naar Frankrijk. - The man leaves for France.  (literally: to France)

  • De vrouw verlaat haar man. - The woman leaves her husband.
  • Hij is bij haar vertrokken. - He left (departed from) her.
  • Hij heeft haar verlaten. - He left (abandoned) her.
  • Hij is bij haar weg. - He left her. (He is from her away.) This is possibly a more common way to express the breakup.

  • De man is net vertrokken. - The man has just left - we don't know where from so it's vertrekken.
  • De man heeft net het gebouw verlaten. - The man just left the building. - We know where he left so it's verlaten.
  • De man is net uit het gebouw vertrokken. -  The man just left the building. - but we can use vertrekken if we say he left 'out of' the building.

  • De man vertrekt uit de gebouw. - The man leaves (out of) the building.
  • De man verlaat de gebouw. - The man leaves the building.

Sunday 25 September 2011


As I come across comparisons between Dutch, Swedish and English suffixes, I'll post them here.

waarheidtruth (lit: trueness)-heid-het-ness

Mistakes in Memrise Word Lists

This is a list of mistakes I've found in the word lists in memrise. I don't know whether the corrections apply globally or just for me.

ListEnglishErrorCorrectionLiteral Translation, notes
Dutch Unit 1-3
Pearson Longman Text Book
Really?Ech waar?Echt waar?Really/genuinely true  (Corrected 2011-10-04)
The thousand most common words in Dutch
the animalde dierhet dier (Corrected 2011-10-04)
The thousand most common words in Dutch
Do you speak English?Spreekt u/jij Engels?Spreekt u Engels / Spreek jij Engels?
The thousand most common words in Dutch
Will you help me?Wilt u/jij me helpen?Wilt u me helpen / Wil jij me helpen?
The thousand most common words in Dutch
The bushes, should be the bush
de struikThe Dutch word given is singular. The plural is struiken. (28/9/11) (Corrected 2011-10-04)
The thousand most common words in Dutch
Radioel radioradioThe Dutch article is 'de'. For some reason it's in Spanish. I added another word with the correct article, but couldn't delete the old one.
The thousand most common words in Dutch
The (light) bulb, glove  <-- it doesn't mean glove!
de gloeilamp I think it was meant to say globe maybe?
The thousand most common words in Dutch
the bagthe cupde tasThis is translated as the cup which is only the case in Belgian Dutch. In NL Dutch it's  the bag.
The thousand most common words in Dutch
the bagthe rucksackde rugzakThe translation should be rucksack or backpack, not a generic bag.

Starting Again with Memrise

Because I logged in to Memrise with my facebook login, I've decided to start again with an independent account so today I've been going through the words I've previously learnt again. I think this is useful revision.

I'm still making silly mistakes such as giving the wrong answer to German and Germany even though I do actually know that the language is Duits and the country Duitsland.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Free Online Resources

All these resources are free, although some sites do have pay options too. songs, stories etc

Grammar required for exercises Postammar/index.php

Vocabulary Registration required vocabulary lists - download (Dutch was on page 16 for me with 100 per page) or launch from the site (requires java) with sound with sound with sound

Other Useful Resources

Update: includes voice recognition - good for looking up parts of verbs etc stories and songs in Dutch some free, but some pay only

Progress Report 24th September 2011

Today, I've been collecting resources for learning Dutch. I've tried a few times to learn before but it's sort of fizzled out. I love grammar, but find vocabulary very hard to learn.

At the beginning of September, someone on Google+ linked to This is a vocab testing program which reminds you to revise the words you've learnt earlier. I decided I wanted to learn 300 words in September.

My progress so far is

Dutch: Dutch Unit 1-3 - Pearson Longman Text Book 61/61 words learnt.

Dutch: Dutch - The thousand most common words in Dutch 384/996 words learnt.

I do keep having to go back and check old words, especially at the moment because I have a cold and I always find I can't focus when I have a cold. I'm not too worried about this because if I can remember anything when ill, I must really know it!